Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A week to go!

I am finishing up my final paperwork and getting my funds together for the journey of a lifetime. I have been selling and giving away just about everything I own. I sold my car yesterday since I won't be needing it in my future destinations, and I will soon own very little. I am only taking a backpack overseas, though I may have an extra carry on daypack. Here is my backpack:

It's just the right size to be used as a carry on, so I won't have to check any bags and worry about losing them between here and the other side of the world.

I received my first phone call from China two days ago as well, my program director David called to confirm my information and see if I had any questions. I booked my hostel in Vancouver as well for my two night stay in that city before the trek across the pacific ocean.

Reema will be the trooper that drives me to the airport at about 4:30 in the morning for my 6:30 flight out of Orlando. I have a feeling I might be sleeping on the plane.

I'll be back in the next few days posting updates on the trip.